Wednesday, March 30, 2011

UFO Sightings - Kenora, Ontario

There have been numerous reports of unexplained lights around the area. Places like Shoal Lake First Nation, Rat Portage First Nation, Kenora, And Fort Fances, Ontario. They all see the same lights and they all hear strange noises. And also, it's always near the lake. (lake of the woods)

 March 18th, I have witnessed these lights also. I live on the Rat Portage First Nation. I went outside with my friend for a smoke. We both noticed this red light in the bush. It was never there before and it was also making this loud beeping noise. I figured it was one of those lights from a hydro pole and never thought anything of it. The next few nights nothing there, then on March 23rd, the light was back, but it wasnt I that noticed it. It was my step-dad. He seen the light, heard the noise but when he looked at it, it disappeared right away. We are now afraid to go outside at night.

March 27th. A group of people from this reserve gathered late at night to watch some more lights. My step-dad was among those people. They watched the lights from a telescope or just by looking in the sky. They verified it being an aircraft. Some of those people even have footage.

Since Then.......People have been seeing these lights around this reserve and others around this area.   It's getting pretty scary. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

UFO Illuminates Brazilian Skies

It doesn't appear to be an aeroplane, balloons don't disappear in a burst of light, and the largest bird able to hover in one place is still too small to be seen from this distance.

So what is this mysterious object apparently floating in the skies above Brazil?

The city of Sao Paolo is abuzz after amateur footage showing what appears to be an unidentified flying object appeared moving through the clouds. 

Hoax: A UFO spied in the skies over Sao Paulo has all of Brazil buzzing. The amateur footage was shown on Brazilian TV station G1
Hoax: A UFO spied in the skies over Sao Paulo has all of Brazil buzzing. The amateur footage was shown on Brazilian TV station G1

Amazed: Motorists near the town of Agudos said that they spotted the object and rushed out of their car to shoot what they couldn¿t believe they were seeing
Amazed: Motorists near the town of Agudos said that they spotted the object and rushed out of their car to shoot what they couldn¿t believe they were seeing
Amazed: Motorists near the town of Agudos said that they spotted the object and rushed out of their car to shoot what they couldn’t believe they were seeing

The grey, saucer-shaped object could be seen for nearly a minute before suddenly disappearing in a bright flash of light. 
The spectacle is followed by two more mysterious bursts of light. 
Brazilian television channel G1 obtained the footage from some motorists who spotted the object near the town of Agudos.

The motorists, who the channel did not identify, said they rushed from their car to film the object with a hand-held camera. 
G1 reports that the two camera-operators said that the earth shook just as the two blasts of light appeared – a fact that was corroborated by other people nearby at the time.
Yet no seismic activity has been reported in the area, the nearest tremors occurring south, in Chile. 
Philip Cavaca, an expert in video editing, told G1 that the two that reported the sighting are nothing more than expert hoaxers.

‘It can be seen in one frame. When the truck goes by, you can tell that the UFO was moved, which is unnoticeable to the naked eye,’ Cavaca said.

By freezing the image you can see the exact frame in which the so-called UFO alters, Cavaca claimed.

But many internet users, viewing the footage after it went viral, believe otherwise. 

'It looks just like all the other images of UFOs, it must be real!!' one user wrote excitedly.

'Are you stupid?' another replied.

Read more:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Russian flight controllers find UFO with aliens that speak in 'cat-like language'

Close encounters of the purred kind: Aliens spoke to us in a 'cat-like language' claim Russian flight controllers By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 5:08 PM on 1st March 2011 Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Associated Press reports a panel of scientists at the annual Nation of Islam Savior's Day convention in Rosemont will be discussing a rise in the number of UFO sightings worldwide:

The idea of seeking the divine in the skies is deeply rooted in the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, whose late leader Elijah Muhammad detailed in speeches and writings a massive hovering object loaded with weapons he called "The Mother Plane" -- although religion experts, Nation of Islam leaders and believers offer very different interpretations of what exactly happens aboard the plane, its role or how it fits into religious teachings.

It's one of the group's more misunderstood -- and ridiculed -- beliefs, something organizers took into account when planning the convention, which starts Friday and ends Sunday with Minister Louis Farrakhan's keynote address.

"There's enough evidence that has been put before the world and public," Ishmael Muhammad, the religion's national assistant minister, told The Associated Press. "There have been enough accounts and sightings and enough movies (documentaries) made, I don't think you would find too many people that would call it crazy."

Click Here for Source

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ancient Aliens:The Mission (Full Movie 2010)

From The History Channel : "If ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their mission, and is there evidence that points to when they will return? Ancient Sumerian tablets describe an alien race, known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine for gold. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict hybrid creatures that were part man, part animal. Mysterious crop circles and unexplainable crystal skulls are thought to contain messages that man has yet to decipher. Strange evidence may exist in multiple cultures throughout history suggesting that aliens came here to explore, excavate raw materials, experiment on human beings, and even for pure conquest."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

U.F.O. Stealth Light Orb over Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. October 10, 2010

Witness Comments:

Approx. 5:45 p.m. I spotted this bright light descending from the heavens over Sudbury while I was training outside at my moms. I believe I have seen this object before, on 3 occasions...once was about 20 ft. above the treeline where my gf and I were chillin. One of the most interesting things is that when we saw it so close last time, was that it appeared to be only about a foot in diameter. Rather small for an e.t vehicle...maybe some type of probe...notice how gradually it dims...The one time we watched it do this up close..

Notes: Sudbury has been having alot of sigthings over the last few years. Even i've witnessed these orbs more than once. Very good video.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Message to Aliens / Watchers

A couple weeks ago i had this disturbing dream which was very vivid. In this dream, i was running around trying to save my friends from some type of virus brought on by Aliens. Now i wanted to share a message to the watchers who have been visiting our earth for centuries and more.

Us humans, welcome you without harm. Even tho we are a very destructive race, in our hearts we mean well and need guidance. Over the years you have watched us and interacted with some and yet we gasp in awe that you are still watching and not helping us. We are at a point where we have begun to destroy our planet and our governments and corporate entities refuse to take heed and do something about it. We've allowed our governments and religious pacts to create wars and famines where the rest of humanity question its logic. Logic .... some of us still don't understand even what that means. But there are some of us who know, and will agree that we need your help to show humanity and teach us to live in the galactic universe we all call home.

I pray each day when i goto sleep that you will come and save us. I know that if any harm was against humanity, we would all be dead by now. So please, interact with us and teach us what we need to know. We know you are there, but why don't you answer us? Why the constant ignore? Are we that fascinating to observe? Or do you have a agenda of your own? What will it take to get your attention?