Monday, February 7, 2011

Message to Aliens / Watchers

A couple weeks ago i had this disturbing dream which was very vivid. In this dream, i was running around trying to save my friends from some type of virus brought on by Aliens. Now i wanted to share a message to the watchers who have been visiting our earth for centuries and more.

Us humans, welcome you without harm. Even tho we are a very destructive race, in our hearts we mean well and need guidance. Over the years you have watched us and interacted with some and yet we gasp in awe that you are still watching and not helping us. We are at a point where we have begun to destroy our planet and our governments and corporate entities refuse to take heed and do something about it. We've allowed our governments and religious pacts to create wars and famines where the rest of humanity question its logic. Logic .... some of us still don't understand even what that means. But there are some of us who know, and will agree that we need your help to show humanity and teach us to live in the galactic universe we all call home.

I pray each day when i goto sleep that you will come and save us. I know that if any harm was against humanity, we would all be dead by now. So please, interact with us and teach us what we need to know. We know you are there, but why don't you answer us? Why the constant ignore? Are we that fascinating to observe? Or do you have a agenda of your own? What will it take to get your attention?

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